(Second Coming of Jesus Christ? If so, this has implications)

CLUES FROM JESUS ('the Son of God'), ABOUT GETTING TO HEAVEN ('via natural means'... ...which are 'expedited'):

Then Jesus said to them, ‘Truly I tell you, there are some standing here... who will not taste death… ...before they see the Kingdom, of God arrive… with power’…” – Mark 9

 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they… shall see God…” – Matthew 5:8

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven… but only he, who does the will... of my Father'…" - Matthew 7:21 (according to Jesus Christ)

“But those who hope in the LORD, will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run... and not grow weary… they will walk, and not be faint…” - Isaiah 40:31

"For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit, you put to death the misdeeds of the body... will live..." - Romans 8:13 (according to Jesus Christ)

"Verily, verily, I say unto you... that if a man, keep my saying... ...he shall never... see death..." - John 8:51 (according to Jesus Christ) 

"...and Jesus said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children... will never enter, the Kingdom... of Heaven'..." - Matthew 18:3

"If you were 'of the world,' it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong... to the world... but I have chosen you, out of the world. That... is why the world, 'hates' you..." - John 15:19 (according to Jesus Christ)

Jonathan Kent: You Are My Son | Man of Steel (


He's Going to Change the World | Man of Steel - YouTube

>>>"I have been studying aspects, of the bible... since 2011 (via 'personal inquiries, online'... ...aside from initially, consulting the text...)... ...and arguably, the above '9' quotes... ...are reflective... ...of my relationship, to the bible... at present... terms, of the value... I ascribe, to such ('my perception, of the content')..." - Michael Izuchukwu (1:08 PM, on 12/24/23)

When someone is 'speaking of the bible,' his/her life experiences... and familiarity & interpretation, of such... ...refine, how his/her audience, perceives... his/her testimony, on the book's behalf... Such encompasses, the Gospel (life and teachings) of Jesus Christ, along with many historical accounts...

Slowdive : When the Sun Hits : Guitars Cover (

Exterior of the Vanguard Crossing complex, from 'the other side' of where my former apartment... had been (photo from 10/17/20 - 'balconies,' are visible...)

Revisiting my former apartment, in University City, MO (8:40 AM, on 12/11/23) (

Regarding the floor plan of my former apartment, to my understanding... such was called 'Matisse'... (my commitment to memory, of the interior... ...aligns, with the 'Matisse floor plan')

1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments in St. Louis, MO | Vanguard Crossing

 ...although my dad, habitually gave me the impression... such was the 'Rembrandt'... invoking terminology, that related to that name... and the word 'remember'... ...when he was calling the place 'a shelter'... ...for reasons, I know not of...

(A look outside my window, at 9:27 AM... on 8/2/20 - arguably, I was standing in the 'sun room' area, where 'my room'... had been)
(1:42 PM, on 10/4/20 - on my 'mattress,' which was by the window)

SEE (via Facebook):

11:10 PM (12/24/23):
"It's my understanding, that there are 3-D humans... that are subject, to the influence... of the 4th spatial dimension reality... a degree, that may be at odds... ...with others... ...but from a statistical standpoint, the variation... is 'negligible'... a majority, of cases. There is a spectrum, between 3.00-D and 4.00-D... the context of how I formerly stated, that it was on 12/16/23... that I had received 'divine confirmation' from Jesus Christ... ...that I am scheduled to be 4.14-dimensional, on Day 1 of the afterlife (this notification/notice had more weight, than the preceding signs and observations.... that I had accumulated)


Michael Izuchukwu (@mci52) - Gab Social

Regarding a 4.14-D being, in relation to a 4.00-D being... ...I surmise one can extrapolate, that there is a 3.14-D being, in relation to a 3.00-D being... 

Nevertheless, due to the nature of spatial dimensions...'s difficult to gauge and encapsulate, what those respective variations... ...translate to...

(the following '2' RECAPS, are from


12:56 PM (9/16/23):
"It became my understanding (having snagged my attention), moments ago... that there is a difference, between a 3.00-dimensional being (human, for instance) being subject, to the influence... of the 4th spatial dimensional reality (the basis, of 'an analogue')... ...and that same being, becoming 4.00-dimensional..." - Michael Izuchukwu

11:25 PM (12/24/23):

In theory, someone who is 'increasingly beyond being 3.00-D'... ...has the means, of navigating his/her world (physically and mentally)... with greater efficiency and ease, than is customary... 

One could liken this, to taking a few steps... ...and being in another city or town... ...or lifting one's hand, and experiencing moments... ...that may have transpired, a decade or more... ago...

Nevertheless, for the 'above' to be practical... ...a person must exhibit characteristics, that attest... to the fact, that he/she is 'defying spacetime'...

11:34 PM (12/24/23):
How does one 'defy spacetime'? Such is not straightforward, but likely involves 'physiological upkeep'... in tandem, with 'mental and spiritual... fortification'... At the 'atomic level,' such conditions are the prerequisite... for atypical progression, through spacetime (arguably, such is 'asymptotic')


1:30 PM (9/16/23):


higher dimensions freedom of movement - Google Search

8:06 AM (12/25/23):

The language only three men speak - BBC News (

Yesterday evening, I concluded that ‘speaking foreign languages’… likely takes precedence, to ‘visiting foreign countries’… …from the standpoint, of ‘cost effectiveness’... & intrinsic value… (in the context, of the dynamics... of 'people versus places'... and 'traveling, through words')

The world is quite vast, consisting of 195 countries... amongst 7 continents... ...and home, to at least 6,500 spoken languages... ...although most of them, are not predominant...

Having universality, in the world... is rare, and 'of value'...

Certain regions of the world, relate to languages... that make use, of different alphabets... An alphabet consists of a number of letters, and letters are geometric shapes... ...which are what words, are comprised of...


1:37 PM (12/25/23):
15 Springrain Ct, Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0, Canada - Michael Vennare (Branded) (

I think when one visits Canada, one may get the impression... that the mansions, there... ...are empowered versions, of the ones... in America ('the United States')...


12 Years A Slave - Solomon asks Bass for help ( (0:10-0:31)

1:55 PM (12/25/23):

NBC's 1967 interview, with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - 'Bootstraps speech' - YouTube


12:38 PM (12/25/23):

Michelle Obama - A Woman Will Become The President Of US Some Day | Shorts ( 

"In terms of relativity, ethnic identification... falls on a spectrum, and is much more complex... than 'a category'... Such also consists, of heritage (one's parents, and their respective ethnic backgrounds), genetics (one's phenotype/'external disposition'), one's personal ethnic identification (often a consequence, of 'nurture/upbringing & nature/environment')... and etcetera... Some people are ethnically ambiguous, while others are biracial... ...regarding 'genealogical diversity'... and 'ancestry'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

To my understanding ('addressing the above video'), Barack Obama was the 44th President... of the United States, and was the President of 'all Americans'... ...although, there are some factions who would attest... ...that he was ('in a sense,' and specifically) the 'first black president'... ...which could also be interpreted, as 'the president... of the blacks'... ...since Barack was the first elected U.S. President, 'of color'... ...based off who Barack's parents were, he is not black... by the standards, of one... who has 'both parents,' with that identity...


>>>Lee Daniels' The Butler (2013) - Ending Scene (

12:58 PM (12/25/23):

Being black, is more than just about 'skin color'... ...such is multifaceted, and reflects a particular attitude... times (a set of ideals, that one develops... or is instilled, with)...

bill clinton first black president - Google Search

1:02 PM (12/25/23):

Dr. Ben Carson Gifted Hands documentary (


12:28 PM (12/25/23):
When you’re waiting on the GTA loading screen 😂 #shorts (

Personally, I think Grand Theft Auto 4 'is' much better of a video game, than Grand Theft Auto 6... terms, of the corresponding trailer... and 'game atmosphere/overall theme'...


Seryoga - Liberty City The Invasion OST GTA IV ( (GTA 4)


Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 ( (GTA 6)


12:18 PM (12/25/23):

Inside a $9,400,000 Toronto Mega Mansion 😍😱 - YouTube

The vibe of 0:00-1:09 of this video, is that someone said 'my god'... when he/she entered... ...and subsequently, filmed... such... (probably a materialistic, or hedonistic... individual)


10:32 AM (12/25/23):


9:34 AM (12/25/23):
Prince Louis Has a Fashionable Royal First on Christmas That Shows How Much He's Grown (

Interesting article, regarding Prince Louis (of Cambridge)... I don't really tune in much, to the 'royal family'... ...but now (here), Prince Louis is '5' years old. His older brother, Prince George (of Wales)... is now 10 years old (I had forgotten about him, for a moment... ...upon initially reading, 'this' article)... ...and then he also has a sister, Princess Charlotte (of Cambridge)... ...who is presently 8 years old... They are the children, of Prince William and Kate Middleton (Prince & Princess, of Wales)...

great expectations - Google Search


9:21 AM (12/25/23):

These men are not where you think…#shorts (

Quarter-life crisis?


9:14 AM (12/25/23):

12 out-of-this-world exoplanet discoveries in 2023 (

When I think about discoveries, that are happening beyond Earth ('our home planet')... ...and then I think about a 'geographical map, of our world'... ...when I think about the dominion that I live in (and the neighboring municipalities/townships/cities), at a given moment... it's counterintuitive... to note, how there are 'realities' on other planets... the cosmos... ...that are unknown, to mankind...


8:03 AM (12/25/23): 
I just got off the phone, with my mom... Apparently, there will be a Christmas dinner... at my aunt's house, later today... Something, to look forward to (I found out about this, when she said that going to a diner... such as 'IHOP,' for breakfast... today... ...would not be a viable option)... 


7:00 AM (12/25/23): (Anthony Miracola, who is arguably the greatest basketball shooter... of all time... ...He happens to be 'beyond Steph Curry,' and has a record of 500 for 500 shots - presumably, for 'free throws')


1:42 AM (12/25/23):

Baby found alive in tree after Tennessee tornado (



1:37 AM (12/25/23):
I think if one truly is walking on a spiritual path, and is 'with the Lord ('Jesus Christ')'... ...he/she must keep a fire ignited, that may have been burning... since his/her childhood years... This fire, could be correlated to a passion/goal/dream... ...that may be difficult, to manifest (but not impossible)...

"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent... about the things, that matter..." - Martin Luther King, Jr.


1:33 AM (12/25/23):

Good Will Hunting1997 Superphilosophy scene - Romanian (

A catharsis can be the catalyst, for a new chapter... in life...


1:22 AM (12/25/23):
NASA's car-sized rover spots evidence of gushing water on Mars | Mashable

It has been said, where there is water... ...there is life ('or tends, to be'). 


11:29 PM (12/24/23):

Thousands join migrant caravan in Mexico ahead of Secretary of State Blinken's visit to the capital (


10:53 PM (12/24/23):

No ninja today so Easton asked for me to revise the course again ! We moved things around and made it more challenging , the kid blows me… | Instagram

[A small boy (Easton) going through an obstacle course, as though... he is 'in the military'...]


11:01 PM (12/24/23):
Disney: The 90's Supercut ( (1:38-2:22)


12:21 PM (12/24/23):

A number of hours ago, I was speculating… about the nature, of human physiology/anatomy… …in the context, of ‘intelligent design’ and regarding Genesis 1:27… of the bible.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female… he created them.” Evidently, this verse is in reference… to ‘God the Father’… …who presided over Earth, prior to the time… that Jesus Christ, entered the world… …having been born, of the Virgin Mary Magdalene… …via the ‘Immaculate Conception’….

It’s my understanding, that a human body… generates an amount of electricity… …and consequently, such could be likened… to a vehicle… …whereby the food that one eats/ingests, serves as the ‘fuel’… …to facilitate, one’s motions…

I believe that God the Father, likely views humans in a way… that is at odds, with Jesus Christ (to a degree)… …and that this is why, Jesus Christ said (according to John 14:6) ‘I am the Way, the Truth… and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through me…’

Given that ‘with God,’ all things are possible… …and in the context of the principle of natural progression (and the universe’s natural laws)… …this likely implies, that there is a pathway… …for a human, to be able to defy gravity… …via his/her physiology… …just as the Superman or Superwoman do, in cinema…

…Nevertheless, it has been said ‘little by little, one walks far’… The Wright Brothers invented flight, in 1903… …and the act of ‘levitating,’ likely is a matter… …pertaining to higher dimensions… …given that likely implies, countering gravity… …along with some relationship, with the four fundamental forces… of nature (strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetism & gravity)…

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world, to shame the wise; God hath chosen the weak things of the world, to shame the strong…” – 1 Corinthians 1:27

God ‘chooses the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise’…

In terms of proportionality and relativity, someone who is a good candidate for harnessing the real-life power… of the ‘cinema Superman (the ability to fly, for instance)’… …would likely be relating, to aspects… of ‘his’ life…

A caterpillar becomes a butterfly, only after working hard… in its cocoon.

Likewise, a process only works (can be performed)… when all the component aspects, have been met...

12:50 PM (12/24/23):

The Wright brothers first aeroplane flight (1903) - YouTube


17th December 1903: Wright brothers make the first controlled, powered and sustained flight (




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